Swayampravo Dasgupta

Product Designer/UX Designer at Embibe. Product Design and UX Consultant for 3 successful startups. Founder at Ugao Movement

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Design is Yin + Yang


In fact any thing in existence has the Yin + the Yang. In design though the concepts work in a deeper way than most think.

Most people think design is restricted to the final visual rendering of the way something looks - but most designers and some other enlightened ones would know that design has more to it.

Steve Jobs once said,

Design is not just what it looks like and feels like. Design is how it works.

Quite honestly, the more I work as a designer, the better I see this truth.

Let’s break down this, apparently difficult, construct of cause + effect.

The cause -

Design is the experience of what you are trying to achieve. Of course there is abstract, almost instantaneous, designs but even that is surrounding a bigger experience, that of life most arguably. But in essence it is the overall vibe of what you are about to build, that you are experiencing. Like, right now I am...

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